Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and other large firms have suffered data leaks from a large cloud-based service, underscoring that companies need to pay attention to authentication.
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 June 22, 2024
Multifactor Authentication Is Not Enough to Protect Cloud Data
Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and other large firms have suffered data leaks from a large cloud-based service, underscoring that companies need to pay attention to authentication.
CHERI Alliance Aims to Secure Hardware Memory
The consortium of private companies and academia will focus on ways to protect hardware memory from attacks.
MITRE: US Government Needs to Focus on Critical Infrastructure
With the presidential election this year and an increase in cyberattacks and conflicts around the world, MITRE has outlined four important areas the incoming administration should focus on next year.
Some Skills Should Not Be Ceded to AI
AI tools keep trying to take away all the fun jobs. Here are just a few reasons why cybersecurity folks (and others) should skip the writing cheats.
Chorology.ai Tackles Data Governance
The company has emerged from stealth with an AI-powered platform designed to give organizations visibility into unmanaged data.
How Cybersecurity Can Steer Organizations Toward Sustainability
By integrating environmental initiatives, social responsibility, and governance into their strategies, security helps advance ESG goals.
Legal Defense Fund Covers Crypto Research
The nonprofit Security Alliance is providing funds to protect security researchers who illegally access crypto assets with the aim of improving security.
Consumer Privacy Bill Fails in Vermont
Had the bill become a law, it would have given consumers the right to sue companies that violate their privacy.
High-Risk Overflow Bug in Intel Chips Likely Impacts 100s of PC Models
The old, but newly disclosed, vulnerability is buried deep inside personal computers, servers, and mobile devices, and their supply chains, making remediation a headache.

'ONNX' MFA Bypass Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts
The service, likely a rebrand of a previous operation called "Caffeine," mainly targets financial institutions in the Americas and EMEA and uses malicious QR codes and other advanced evasion tactics.

Russia's Midnight Blizzard Seeks to Snow French Diplomats
The notorious cyber espionage group has been harrying French interests for years, and isn't flagging now as the Paris Olympics approach.

Apple's AI Offering Makes Big Privacy Promises
Apple's guarantee of privacy on every AI transaction could influence trustworthy AI deployments.
4 Ways to Help a Security Culture Thrive
Creating and nurturing a corporate environment of proactive cybersecurity means putting people first — their needs, weaknesses, and skills.
Catching Up on Innovation With NIST CSF 2.0
The updated framework is an equalizer for smaller organizations to meet the industry at its breakneck pace of innovation.
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