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 January 25, 2025
Security Needs to Start Saying 'No' Again
The rush to say "yes" allows cybersecurity teams to avoid hard conversations with business stakeholders but also risks losing their ability to effectively protect organizations.
MITRE's Latest ATT&CK Simulations Tackles Cloud Defenses
The MITRE framework's applied exercise provides defenders with critical feedback about how to detect and defend against common, but sophisticated, attacks.
3 Use Cases for Third-Party API Security
Third-party API security requires a tailored approach for different scenarios. Learn how to adapt your security strategy to outbound data flows, inbound traffic, and SaaS-to-SaaS interconnections.
Cisco Previews AI Defenses to Cloud Security Platform
Set for release in March, Cisco AI Defense will provide algorithmic red teaming of large language models with technology that came over as part of the Robust Intelligence acquisition last year.
Doti AI Launches Platform to Securely Find Enterprise Data
The AI-powered work platform helps organizations securely identify and access internal enterprise data as part of business processes and workflows.
Mirai Botnet Spinoffs Unleash Global Wave of DDoS Attacks
Two separate campaigns are targeting flaws in various IoT devices globally, with the goal of compromising them and propagating malware worldwide.

Trump Overturns Biden Rules on AI Development, Security
The new administration moved quickly to remove any constraints on AI development and collected $500 billion in investment pledges for an American-owned AI joint venture.

War Game Pits China Against Taiwan in All-Out Cyberwar
At Black Hat and DEF CON, cybersecurity experts were asked to game out how Taiwan could protect its communications and power infrastructure in case of invasion by China.

Risk, Reputational Scores Enjoy Mixed Success as Security Tools
Part predictive analysis, part intuition, risk and reputation services are imperfect instruments at best — and better than nothing for most organizations and insurers.
Name That Edge Toon: Greetings and Salutations
Feeling creative? Submit your caption and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 gift card.
Why CISOs Must Think Clearly Amid Regulatory Chaos
Even as the rule book changes, the profession of the CISO remains unchanged: protecting the organization in a world of constant, continually evolving threats.
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