Are you asking the right questions about potential scenarios when thinking about disaster recovery and business continuity?
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 January 15, 2023
Security Planning: Ask What Could Go Wrong
Are you asking the right questions about potential scenarios when thinking about disaster recovery and business continuity?
Use CircleCI? Here Are 3 Steps You Need to Take
This Tech Tip outlines the steps enterprise defenders should take as they protect their data in cloud environments in response to the security incident with the CI/CD platform.
Software Supply Chain Security Needs a Bigger Picture
SBOMs aren't enough. OpenSSF's Alpha-Omega brings in new blood to help secure the open source projects most impactful to the software supply chain.
Intel's New Xeon Chip Pushes Confidential Computing to the Cloud
After a delay of more than a year, Intel's on-chip confidential computing feature is coming to all the major cloud providers, starting with Microsoft's Azure.
7 Use Cases for Distributed Cloud Environments
As infrastructure has grown more complex, the need to effectively manage it has grown, too – particularly for applications and APIs.
Latest Firmware Flaws in Qualcomm Snapdragon Need Attention
The issue concerns the boot layer of ARM chips, which are driving a low-power mobile ecosystem that includes 5G smartphones and base stations.
Why Analyzing Past Incidents Helps Teams More Than Usual Security Metrics
Traditional metrics don't reflect real-world severity. Instead, analyzing previously reported incidents can help teams decide how to react, a new report says.
Why Mean Time to Repair Is Not Always A Useful Security Metric
Analyzing and learning from incidents is the ideal path to finding more insightful data and metrics, according to the VOID report.
In Memoriam: Remembering Those Who Passed
Security stands on the shoulders of giants. We take a moment to remember their contributions toward keeping people, data, and systems safe.

API Security Is the New Black
API security is so hot right now.

How Confidential Computing Can Change Cybersecurity
Encrypting data while in use, not just in transit and at rest, closes one more avenue of cyberattack.

Name That Edge Toon: The Upside Down
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Better Phishing, Easy Malicious Implants: How AI Could Change Cyberattacks
Current defenses are able to protect against today's AI-enhanced cybersecurity threats, but that won't be the case for long as these attacks become more effective and sophisticated.
  • Every DDoS Resilience and Response Playbook Should Include These Things

    Cyber attackers can level organizations with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. How do security teams keep stakeholders informed when services are down? Who do they call to remediate the incident and make sure the attackers don't knock everything down again? ...

  • Detecting, Analyzing, and Mitigating Targeted Attacks

    For many security professionals, the nightmare scenario keeping them awake at night is a sophisticated, targeted attack aimed directly at their own organization and its specific defenses. In this webinar, experts describe the type of tools and processes necessary to ...

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