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 September 09, 2024
Name That Edge Toon: Bug Off
Feeling creative? Submit your caption and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
What Is the Shared Fate Model?
New threats, an overburdened workforce, and regulatory pressures mean cloud service providers need a more resilient model than the shared responsibility framework. That's where "shared fate" comes in.
Open Source Tool Allows Voters to Verify Election Results
The ElectionGuard project allows anyone — voters, campaign staffers, and election officials — to cryptographically verify ballots, a promise which may bolster faith in election integrity.
FreeBSD Gets €686,400 to Boost Security Features
The funds from Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund will be used to integrate zero-trust capabilities, tools for software bill of materials, and other security features.
California Approves Privacy Bill Requiring Opt-Out Tools
This bill requires Web browsers to have an easy-to-find (and use) setting for consumers to send an opt-out preference signal by default to every site and app they interact with.
White House Unveils Road Map to Fix BGP
The White House Office of the National Cyber Director released a plan outlining steps network operators and service providers need to take to secure BGP from abuse and configuration errors.
News Desk 2024: Hacking Microsoft Copilot Is Scary Easy
As enterprises in the world embrace Microsoft's AI assistant, researcher Michael Bargury warns its security is lacking. Check out his News Desk interview during Black Hat USA.

Ransomware Gangs Pummel Southeast Asia
Successful ransomware attacks against organizations in Asia continue at peak levels in 2024 following a wave of high-profile data breaches last year.

Evolving npm Package Campaign Targets Roblox Devs, for Years
Attackers have added aggressive social engineering to their arsenal, along with a novel Windows-manipulating persistence mechanism that demands developer vigilance.

CEO's Arrest Will Likely Not Dampen Cybercriminal Interest in Telegram
In recent years, the platform has become a go-to tool for executing almost all conceivable cybercriminal activity.
Cybersecurity Talent Shortage Prompts White House Action
The Biden administration launches an initiative to encourage careers in cybersecurity, as businesses try new tactics to get unfilled IT security roles staffed.
City of Columbus Sues Researcher After Ransomware Attack
The Ohio city filed for a restraining order, claiming the researcher was working in tandem with the ransomware attackers.
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