Financial services firms need to learn how — and when — to put machine learning to use.
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 September 17, 2022
Tackling Financial Fraud With Machine Learning
Financial services firms need to learn how — and when — to put machine learning to use.
Highlights of the 2022 Pwnie Awards
Since 2007, the Pwnies have celebrated the good, the bad, and the wacky in cybersecurity. Enjoy some of the best moments of this year's ceremony.
Keep Today's Encrypted Data From Becoming Tomorrow's Treasure
Building quantum resilience requires C-suite commitment, but it doesn't have to mean tearing out existing infrastructure.
Key Takeaways From the Twitter Whistleblower's Testimony
Twitter did not know what data it had or who had access to it, Peiter "Mudge" Zatko told Congressional lawmakers during a Senate panel hearing.
Note to Security Vendors — Companies Are Picking Favorites
A stunning three-quarters of companies are looking to consolidate their security products this year, up from 29% in 2020, suggesting fiercer competition between cybersecurity vendors.
How to Use SSH Keys and 1Password to Sign Git Commits
This Tech Tip walks through the steps to set up signed commits with SSH keys stored in 1Password.
How Machine Learning Can Boost Network Visibility for OT Teams
Opswat says its new tool uses neural networks to protect critical environments through AI-assisted asset discovery, network visibility, and risk management.
Bishop Fox Releases Cloud Enumeration Tool CloudFox
CloudFox is a command-line tool that helps penetration testers understand unknown cloud environments.
Zane Lackey: 'Technology Is the Easy Bit'
Security Pro File: The DevOps evangelist and angel investor shares his expertise with the next generation of startups. If you're lucky, maybe he'll even share his Lagavulin.

Ghost Data Increases Enterprise Business Risk
IT has to get its hands around cloud data sprawl. Another area of focus should be on ghost data, as it expands the organization's cloud attack surface.

A Peek Into CISA's Post-Quantum Cryptography Roadmap
To help organizations with their plans, NIST and the Department of Homeland Security developed the Post-Quantum Cryptography Roadmap.

Name That Edge Toon: Mime's the Word
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Real Estate Phish Swallows 1,000s of Microsoft 365 Credentials
The attacks showcase broader security concerns as phishing grows in volume and sophistication, especially given that Windows Defender's Safe Links feature for identifying malicious links in emails completely failed in the campaign.
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