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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities | February 2017
Ballarat (Australia) joins the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Network
Ballarat’s ongoing work to make the city a more culturally diverse and welcoming place has resulted in it becoming the first city in Australia to join the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Network.
A promising start of the year for the Moroccan network of Intercultural cities
2017 starts with bringing into the Intercultural Cities’ family 11 Moroccan cities committed to recognize the potential and the value of migration and the diversity advantage
Launch of STEPS: heritage resources for inclusive diversity
Over two years, STEPS will aim at strengthening community cohesion, promoting trust, dialogue and mutual understanding across diverse societies, through a participatory heritage-based action plans.
Engaging with Religious Minorities through an Intercultural Approach: the role of cities
Cities can provide effective local policy responses to tackling prejudice and discrimination against religious minorities, including anti-Muslim hatred, through an intercultural approach.
Council of Europe Secretary General pays tribute to Intercultural cities on the International Migrants’ Day
„Making diverse societies work is not simple. But political leadership and inclusive discourse can help overcome mistrust and fears”, says Thorbjørn Jagland on the occasion of the International Migrants’ Day.
Launch of a video guide on Anti-rumours strategy
The Intercultural Cities programme, in collaboration with Anti-rumours Global, has launched the first series of videos that provide a theoretical and practical introduction to the Anti-rumours Strategy.
New documents online
The Resources section of the Intercultural Cities’ website has been updated.
Upcoming events
16 February 2017 | Berlin, Germany
Policy lab preparatory meeting

27-28 March 2017 | Limassol, Cyprus
Towards a new governance of migrant inclusion

More events >>
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