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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities February 2018
The cities of Oeiras (Portugal) and Salt (Spain) have just joined the ICC network
The ICC Programme is happy to announce that the cities of Oeiras (Portugal) and Salt (Spain) have just joined the ICC network, bringing the total number of member cities to 123.
ICC annual report 2017, Policy Lab Conclusions, and Report of the meeting of coordinators now online!
The Intercultural cities’ yearly activity report and the report of the meeting of ICC Coordinators have just been published online, so as the conclusions of the first meeting of the Policy Lab.
Study finds that intercultural cities have higher well-being and citizen satisfaction
A new study by the Migration Policy Group brings scientific evidence of the positive impact of the Intercultural integration approach advocated by the Council of Europe on better quality of life in diverse cities.
Guidelines for Diversity Connectors for startups now online
Implemented in 2016-2017 the Diversity Connectors pilot project sought to enable startup incubators to attract and cater for the needs of both mainstream and immigrant enterprises entering a variety of industries. The project delivered a set of Guidelines on how to become Diversity Connectors, based on innovative practice examples.
Anti-rumours handbook 2018
The Anti-rumours Manual is a tool that cities and other stakeholders can use to ensure the proper and harmonised implementation of the standardised/certified Anti-rumours methodology. The Manual includes an evaluation guide, as well as a set of examples of best and innovative practices.
The 2017 compilation of Good practices from Intercultural Cities is now online
The collection of examples of the intercultural approaches adopted by the cities member of the Intercultural cities network is regularly updated and published online to facilitate the development and implementation of similar intercultural strategies by other municipalities.
Declaration of the Intercultural cities’ Milestone event
One of our priorities for the next 5 years will be to work systematically with national authorities, with support by the Council of Europe, to design and implement coherent inclusive integration policies.
Upcoming events
13-14 February 2018 | Osmangazi, Turkey
1st Expert’s visit

10-11 April 2018 | Strasbourg, France
Closing conference of the No Hate Speech campaign and Anti-Rumours training

25 April 2018 | Tenerife, Spain
Meeting of RECI coordinators

26-27 April 2018 | Tenerife, Spain
Living together in inclusive democracies: How can the intercultural approach promote participation in diverse societies
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