February 2023 DexNews
3/10 Event Information
This&That Vol. 46: “Genre Eclectic, Female Focused”

「This&That」をSHIBUYA QWS × TokyoDexの合同開催で行います!
This&That Vol.46:「多彩な女性が集う一夜」

This&That will be held jointly by SHIBUYA QWS x TokyoDex!
This&That Vol. 46: “Genre Eclectic, Female Focused”-- Celebrated in March throughout the world, International Women’s Day provides the inspiration for This&That Vol. 46 as we shine a light on female creators in Tokyo from myriad backgrounds working across diverse genres. From singer-songwriters to versatile VJs, this latest installment of TnT boasts a myriad of talent with a distinctly female flair. Come join us and cheer on women in the arts everywhere that continue to offer us new expressions as they share their unique gifts with the world. Invite your friends. Everyone is welcome!! 

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慶應義塾大学 矢上キャンパスのビジョンウォール完成!
Keio University Yagami Campus Vision Wall Completed!

慶應義塾大学の理工学部がある矢上キャンパスは2022年に50年を迎えました。その節目に、TokyoDexは50年後を見据えたビジョンをアートとしてキャンパスに残したいという依頼を受け、学生、教職員と共に「未来の大学」について思いを膨らませるVision Artワークショップを開催。ワークショップから生まれたアイディアを、アーティストの宇都宮涼子が発展させ壁画を完成させました。壁画には最先端のテクノロジーを駆使しながら、宇宙にまで学びの場を広げ、国籍や人種を超えた多様な人々が自由に行き交い、共存する未来が描かれています。

In 2022, Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Technology celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Yagami Campus. To celebrate, they asked TokyoDex to facilitate production of a mural that would be a source of inspiration for the next 50 years. Students and professors participated in a Vision Art Workshop to imagine the “University of the Future”. They imagined that they would be using advanced technology, expanding the classroom to space, and that people of various backgrounds and ethnicities would come together harmoniously. These ideas were incorporated beautifully into the Vision Wall created by artist Ryoko Utsunomiya. Workshop participants also helped out, creating a special connection between the artwork and the students and faculty. 

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ワンスター オフィスアート完成!
Office Art Complete at onestar!

ワンスターがオフィスを移転するにあたり、ワンスターの社会的使命をテーマにVision Artワークショップを開催。ワークショップで生み出されたモチーフを活かし、TokyoDexのディレクションのもと、アーティストの宇都宮涼子がビジョンウォールを制作しました。

When onestar moved into a new office, they called on TokyoDex to create a statement piece inspired by input from the employees. We gathered a group of employees for a workshop to create a work of art that would reflect the company’s social mission. Then, using the motifs created by the participants, artist Ryoko Utsunomiya created a Vision Wall under TokyoDex’s direction. Additionally, artist group RELISH created wallpaper with visuals and typography based on onestar’s core values.

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Notice of Change of Corporate Colors


In anticipation of continued growth as an organization, our 10th Anniversary prompted us to change from a Limited Liability Company (GK) to an Incorporated Company (KK). In tandem with this shift in corporate structure, we also chose to change our corporate colors. Previously we were using an array of pastels, featuring a warm orange that reflects our team’s bright personality and spoke about our openness and passion. But moving forward we have decided that switching to gray-scale and canvas colors will keep the focus on the diverse and colorful artwork we help to create. In the rare case where we need an accent color, we choose turquoise-- a calm, friendly, and cheerful color, radiating the tranquility of blue, the growth of green, and the vitality of yellow.

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