Mitten Making Workshop | Repair Cafe in Feb | Demo Night: Intro to Home Plumbing | CraftChange Partner | Volunteer Needed | Tool of the Month | Looking Back at January
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Workshop: Fleece-Lined Wool Mittens

Join us February 16th from 10am to 1pm. We're making cozy mittens from felted wool sweaters. This is upcycling at its best!

All you need to bring is your sewing machine, thread, pins, a sewing needle, and scissors - all other materials will be provided.

We have a few sewing machines in our inventory, so email us if you need one:

Register Me Now!
Repair Café in February

On February 17th, we're offering a Repair Café at Lee Lee Valley for
Small Wooden Objects and Tool Sharpening.
 Experts will be on hand to help you repair your damaged small wooden furniture, wood toys, and anything else wooden in need of repair. We'll also show you how to sharpen your tools. 
You can claim a spot by calling Lee Valley at 613-596-9202. There aren't many tickets left, so hurry.

Cost: Free

Demo Night: Intro to Home Plumbing

It's the demo night we've all been waiting for!

Our plumbing expert will share basic home plumbing tricks and give you the confidence to tackle a simple leak yourself. We're covering how to fix a leaky tap and re-assembly of said tap, difference between ABS and PVC pipes, and we'll also do a soldering demo.

There is ample time for Q & A, so bring your plumbing-specific questions!

Get tickets!
#CraftChange and Maker House Co.

A reminder that the OTL is the #CraftChange partner for January, February, and March!! Maker House Co. will be donating 2% of all sales to the #OTL to support our operations and programming. 

Volunteer Needed!

Curious about the people power that makes the tool library hum? Have a passion for connecting people with work they love? The OTL is looking for someone to help with volunteer coordination. The role requires about 1-2 hours per week, excellent organizational skills, great customer service, occasional diplomacy, and initiative. Work from wherever you have internet. Email for more information or to tell us why you're destined for the role.
Did you know we have a ... Biscuit Joiner?!

Some tools are good for many things while some tools are good for one thing and one thing only.  One such tool is the biscuit joiner (sometimes also called a Lamello joiner) - we have two of them at the OTL!

biscuit Joiner is designed for only one purpose - to help join pieces of wood together, typically to make table tops or other furniture.  Think of it as a small circular saw that cuts horizontally. 

To learn more about how it works, drop into the Ottawa Tool Library and speak with one of our #ToolNinjas! 

Looking Back at January

We had an incredibly busy January! It was great to see so many volunteers, members and new friends at our events!
We had a Repair Cafe at 
Lee Valley Tools, a workshop on how to use your sewing machine, a demo night from Enviro Centre and finally, a fun weekend at the Ottawa Home and Remodelling Show! 

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