Make your own shopping bag | Repair Cafe in March | Learn to use your sewing machine | Recap of February events | CraftChange Partner | 
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Sew Your Own Reusable Shopping Bag!

On March 25th, Boomerang Bags Ottawa will teach you how to make your own shopping bag from upcycled fabric for all your eco-friendly shopping! They'll provide all of the environmentally friendly materials so you can put together your own customized bag.
Bring your own sewing machine or 
contact us to ensure you can borrow one. 
Cost: $20

Get tickets!
Repair Café in March

On March 17th, we're hosting our last Repair Café at Lee Valley for
Small Appliances and Electronics.
 Fixers will be on hand to help you repair items like kettles, toasters, vacuums, and blenders.  
You can claim a spot via the link below or by calling Lee Valley at 613-596-9202. There aren't many tickets left, so hurry.

Cost: Free

Get tickets!

Learn How to Use Your Sewing Machine Workshop on March 9th

This workshop is SOLD OUT, but do add your name to the waiting list if you're interested and we will put on another one.

Add me to the list, I want to learn, too!
#CraftChange and Maker House Co.

A reminder that the OTL is the #CraftChange partner for January, February, and March!! Maker House Co. will be donating 2% of all sales to the #OTL to support our operations and programming.
If you need a meaningful present, a new table, or just want to treat yourself, go visit our friends at Makerhouse Co. It'll support a local business that truly pays it forward by supporting us as well.

Recap: Wool Mittens Workshop

We had so much fun sewing wool mittens last month! Our group of mitten-makers gathered together for a fun morning of instruction and sewing. The results were as colourful as they were cozy! 

Recap: Demo Night - Intro to Home Plumbing

Our plumbing expert, Blair, taught a Plumbing 101 course to a group of enthusiastic DIY-ers! We learned the basics of how to fix a toilet that runs, a faucet that drips and a shower that leaks. We also discussed how to deal with water damage, odours and faucets that are too tight. 
Thanks Tool Ninja Blair!

Recap: February Repair Cafe

This Repair Café at Lee Valley Tools was all about fixing small wooden objects! We had some great repairs, including small wooden toys, chairs, a wooden cabinet, a frame, and some stools. One of our friends, Chris, brought in a wooden spoon that had split down the middle. We decided to give it a second life and turn it into a new wooden fork!

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