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New minimum salary requirement jumps from $684 to $844 per week and applies as of July 1, 2024, with another jump planned for 2025.
Frank Sommerville
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Also This Week:
Q&A: Are Items Sold in Our Church’s Welcome Center Considered Unrelated Business Income?
What to know before stocking up on T-shirts and coffee mugs with your church logo.
Frank Sommerville
Fraud in the Church: What We Learned from 700 Church Leaders
Discover the results of our 2021 church fraud survey and the best practices for reducing vulnerabilities.
Vonna Laue and Matthew Branaugh
Off-Campus Liability and Churches
Off-campus liability is an ongoing questions for churches and church leaders to address in light of these key cases.
Richard R. Hammar
Understanding Labor Laws
Regulations that pertain to hiring, firing, paying, disciplining, and supervising ministry employees.
Church Finance
Learn about budgeting, financial reporting, tax compliance, insurance coverage, and more.
2024 Church & Clergy Tax Guide
Support your ministry with the most authoritative and comprehensive, year-round tax resource.