Designing spaces for kids | 3 ways to hone your intuition to make better decisions | Unlocking the potential of meme marketing
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September 17, 2024
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Homes with families that include children often require flexibility, fun and a little style.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (9/17) 
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3-Step Buyer Presentation Strategy for a Signed Buyer Rep. Agreement
Buyer Rep. Agreements are becoming crucial, and we've got you covered. Our guide walks you through each step, making it easy to show your value, set expectations, and navigate agreements effortlessly. Get ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of real estate with this essential guide. Download Now.
Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
3 ways to hone your intuition to make better decisions
(VectorMine/Getty Images)
Leaders make numerous decisions every day, but the best decisions are often made when we turn away from data and scenario planning and trust our instincts, which are honed from years of experience, writes Joanne Chan, the chief executive officer at Turner Duckworth. Develop your intuition by coming up with several solutions to a problem and gravitating toward what feels best and have trusted colleagues you can bounce your ideas and solutions off of to get diverse points of view, Chan advises.
Full Story: Fast Company (tiered subscription model) (9/13) 
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Meme marketing, which uses humor to capture attention, is proving to be effective for brands from startups to luxury companies. Jason Levin, author of "Memes Make Millions," highlights how memes are free, fast to create and can easily go viral, making them a powerful marketing tool. Levin's insights, drawn from interviews with successful meme marketers and his own viral experiences, emphasize the importance of:
  1. Understanding industry trends
  2. Knowing audience problems
  3. Embracing humor to drive engagement and revenue
Full Story: HubSpot (9/16) 
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Real Estate Trends
REALTOR® Tisha Janigian is transforming the lives of hundreds of single mothers in Southern California, helping families rebuild their lives through a hand up, not a handout. Who is your favorite of the 10 Good Neighbor Award finalists? Your votes throughout the month will help the top three vote-getters earn bonus grant money. Vote for your Web Choice Favorite by Oct. 2 at
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (9/4) 
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Alex Michas and Rick Richetta with Compass are the listing agents for this Oakland, Calif., mansion with a unique see-through deck on offer for $2.698 million. The five-bedroom modern home features panoramic views.
Full Story: San Jose Mercury News (Calif.) (tiered subscription model) (9/17) 
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Millionaires are increasingly choosing to rent rather than buy homes, with the percentage of households earning over $750,000 that rent climbing to 10.5% between 2018 and 2022, according to an analysis of census data. This trend reflects changes in the financial aspects of housing as well as the fact that wealthy renters may prioritize flexibility and investment opportunities over homeownership.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (9/16) 
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Front office tools you can count on.
Sponsored Content from Lone Wolf Technologies
Ready to upgrade your online presence? Lone Wolf Front Office is a comprehensive brokerage solution for building and maintaining a strong digital presence. Build informative websites, manage client relationships with a reliable CRM, and set up email marketing campaigns that align with your goals. With this tech in hand, you'll be able to capture more leads to work with than ever before–in what feels like almost no time at all. Find out more.

Fair & Equitable Housing
The U.S. housing market is divided between homeowners who have benefited from rising home values and would-be buyers dealing with affordability issues. Mortgage rates have declined recently amid expectations of a Federal Reserve interest-rate cut. While current homeowners can take advantage of lower rates to refinance, prospective buyers still face elevated home prices, limited inventory and other challenges.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (9/14) 
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Legislation & Regulation
Consumer sentiment in the U.S. reached a four-month high, according to the latest preliminary reading from the University of Michigan. Consumers were more optimistic than at any time since May, buoyed by improved buying conditions for long-lasting goods. One-year inflation expectations also improved, and consumers' outlook for personal finances and the economy increased.
Full Story: Reuters (9/13) 
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The inflation-adjusted wages for new hires decreased by 1.5% in the past year, falling from $23.85 to $23.51 an hour, the largest drop in 10 years, according to the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Meanwhile, existing employees saw a 2.3% rise in their earnings.
Full Story: Yahoo (9/16) 
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