For customers, the legislation would allow a one-cent increase in the price of a first-class stamp. Centralized, or cluster box, delivery would be used for homes where 40 percent of residents agree, with a waiver for the physically disabled. Before postal officials could close a local post office, they would have to consider the distance to the next one, the availability of broadband Internet service and local conditions, including weather and terrain. In a demonstration of the exceptional unity around this bill, even the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service (C21), an organization of mailing industry trade associations and companies, endorsed the legislation, including the postage increase. “To put it bluntly, mailers do not welcome rate increases generally, including this one. They are bad for business,” said Art Sackler, C21’s manager. “Nonetheless, we accept the necessity in this unique set of circumstances for the one-time across-the-board 2.15 percent increase … as, from our perspective, a necessary evil to assure longer-term postal financial stability.” The bill would not end Saturday mail delivery, once strongly advocated by postal officials as a major component of their cost-saving strategy. Brennan acknowledged that would not fly with Congress. Before the celebration over the bill begins, let’s recall that there has been hope before, only to have it wane as talk faded to inaction. At a January 2016 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, the postmaster general, the leader of the letter carriers’ union and a trade association representative all supported Sen. Thomas R. Carper’s (D-Del.) postal reform bill that increased hope but was not enacted. Notably absent at that point was support from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate committee. Notably, the House bill, which includes some elements of Carper’s legislation, is a thoroughly bipartisan effort led by the oversight committee’s Republican chairman and ranking Democrat. With that bipartisan backing, optimism grows. The mounting consensus around the House bill builds on the forward momentum generated at the Senate hearing and House committee approval of a bipartisan postal reform bill last year that was never considered by the full House. “The need for postal reform is as urgent as ever. Fortunately, we also may be closer than ever to enacting reform,” Cummings said. “Only we can ensure that this 240-year old institution — an institution that connects every family, business, and community in this nation — will continue to be there to serve all Americans.” Read more: Postal reform consensus develops; 5-day delivery dead U.S. Postal Service to halt retail sales at Staples stores after union complaints The exception to Postal Service adage about delivering mail |