Returning to Capitol Hill was Barney Frank, the former Democratic congressman from Massachusetts whose famous rapier wit was on display. He focused much of his attention on the possibility that a builder could obtain taxpayer money for low-income housing “then use it to construct rental units which people like me would be prevented from inhabiting,” said Frank, who is married to a man. “How in the world does requiring that developer to rent to same-sex couples in any way impinge on his religious freedom?” Anticipating Frank’s line of argument, Lee’s opening statement said, “This bill does not take anything away from any individual or group, because it does not modify any of our existing civil rights protections.” Not only do opponents object to the legislation, they also balked at the hearing’s being held one month to the day after the massacre of 49 people at a gay club in Orlando. “As I sit here now, it is difficult to imagine a more inappropriate day to hold this hearing,” said Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (Md.), the top Democrat on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. “Even if you truly believe that being gay is morally wrong, or that people should be allowed to discriminate against gay people, why in the world would you choose today of all days to hold a hearing on this discriminatory legislation?” Of course, no proponent said they think being gay is morally wrong even if they do think it. They do think they are the ones being discriminated against. Kelvin J. Cochran was the star witness on that point, though his story was not on point. He was fired as Atlanta’s fire chief last year after he wrote a book that said uncleanness is “whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion,” according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The book described gay sex and “sex outside of marriage” as “vile, vulgar.” Republicans latched on to his testimony as someone who was fired because of his views, repeatedly having him go over key points. But his case is irrelevant to the First Amendment Defense Act. It would not cover him, as Democrats noted. “Mr. Cochran,” said Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.), “I don’t understand why you are here.” Read more: [Federal employees were key to gay marriage court victories] [DOMA decision could expand rights for gay feds, but with questions] [Same-sex benefits advance, quietly] |