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Monday, June 22, 2020



Post-Acute Now: Online Summit

Post-Acute Now is HCPro’s exclusive virtual event taking place on July 30th, 2020. The half-day event features sessions on topics that matter to post-acute professionals, like COVID-19, billing and reimbursement, regulatory updates, and more.



Skilled Nursing Facility

Federal nursing home commission names new members
New members for the White House’s new Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes were announced June 19th. Of the more than 800 applicants, 25 stakeholders with a variety of backgrounds were selected. The commission’s goal is to review nursing home responses to COVID-19 and create new regulations and procedures going forward. The …

Home Health

Innovation center models used by CMS for COVID-19
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced plans on June 2 to change some of the innovation center models to account for the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). As part of this announcement, CMS issued a table which has specific model adjustments related to financial methodologies, quality reporting and model timelines that are …

Featured Podcast

Keeping SNF residents engaged during COVID-19
Social distancing due to COVID-19 has been rough on many SNF residents, but there are several ways to keep residents engaged. Join us as we discuss ways to keep residents social and engaged while maintaining COVID-19 safety precautions. With us today is Stefanie Corbett. Stefanie has served in various senior leadership roles in healthcare organizations. …

Most Read Articles


Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


Events Calendar




September 14-16, 2020 | Post-Acute Leadership Forum (Arizona)