Federal Reserve expected to make second interest rate cut | Recruitment woes: Talent gap continues to widen | Be transparent and concise about company values
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The Federal Reserve is expected to make its second rate cut since the 2008 recession in an effort to calm uneasiness about the global economy and declining employment rates. President Donald Trump is calling for more than a moderate rate cut, saying other countries have much lower interest rates.
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While the gap between the technology skills employers need and the tech skills employees have continues to grow, some changes around reskilling and training programs are beginning to make a visible difference, experts say. Companies are putting more resources into boot camps and virtual-reality training programs, and they are needed in the current "extreme" hiring environment, says Barry Asin, president of Staffing Industry Analysts.
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Intrapreneurs, or those focusing on innovation within a corporation, often create at the edges, with very little in the way of resources and time -- sometimes to spectacular success, Simone Ahuja writes. In this commentary, Ahuja offers suggestions for shifting to a culture of frugal, creative intrapreneurship.
HR should embrace millennials' unique perspectives in the workplace, says Rachel Poon, HR business partner for Swatch Group. "My approach is tracing back to who these employees or millennials are: human," she says.
Women often spend more money than men to maintain their professional appearances, but these costs are frequently classified as "nonessentials" by finance experts, Anisa Purbasari Horton writes. In this commentary, Horton argues that women pay a steep price when they do not make this type of investment in their personal grooming.