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April 3, 2016
Feeling Under the Weather
No Reason to Worry

by Madisyn Taylor

Doing our difficult emotional cleansing can take a toll on us and make us feel run down, but this too will pass.

At times when we are detoxing our bodies, or going through the ascension process, we experience aches in our bodies and manifest flu like symptoms. We may find ourselves feeling fatigued and even sad, as if we might be coming down with something. This is a natural part of any cleansing process and commonly accompanies deep inner-work. As we are called to examine our emotions and our beliefs, which often prompts deep inner-changes as well as external shifts, our bodies grow tired. Feeling under the weather is the way they let us know that its time to take a break. Its best to be easy on ourselves at times like these and not to keep pushing forward. Learning to listen to and honor our bodies is part of the process of becoming more conscious.

As soon as you notice you are not feeling well, make an effort to get extra sleep, whether by going to bed earlier than usual or working naps into your routine. You can also support your body by eating as healthy as possible, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas, and taking vitamins. Vitamin C is especially galvanizing to the immune system. Homeopathic remedies can also aid you in assisting your body in its time of rest and recovery. Talking lovingly to yourself, and your body, will also help. Beyond that, simply letting go of thinking and resting in the deep silence of your true self will speed your recovery. In addition, you can always call upon your guides and angels, asking them to ease the symptoms.

It is natural to go through times of feeling under the weather, so there is no reason for you to worry. On the contrary, feel free to let go of worry and rest peacefully in the knowledge that this too shall pass, leaving you stronger, healthier, and further along in your healing process.
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