I believe the best way to turn things around is by focusing on these three areas:
1. What inspiration and motivation are you putting in?
The number one lesson I learned from my father was to carefully choose my input. Who will you listen to, what will you read, and what are you allowing to flood your brain?
2. How are you planning and preparing for success?
When you set aside some time to dream and make a plan, your efforts will always take you further than if you wander aimlessly.
3. What are you doing to improve your habits and skills?
The people at the top didn’t get there through natural talent alone. It takes refining your skills and learning new skills if you want to achieve the kind of success most people dream about.
“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” - Zig Ziglar
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