December 14, 2020  I   View in Browser

Today's Top Stories

Pulse: Farmers Eye Equipment Purchases  
Pulse: Farmers Eye Equipment Purchases

Santa just might bring a present that doesn’t fit under the Christmas tree this year. A Dec. 9 Pulse Poll asked how many farmers were buying equipment before the door closes on 2020.

The Debate Over China’s Corn Imports: Is the Buying Over?  
The Debate Over China’s Corn Imports: Is the Buying Over?

Traders were disappointed in USDA’s report this week, as modest cuts to world stocks and the South American crop weren’t enough to keep the market momentum going.

Tune in to Farm Journal Field Days Equipment Edition  
Tune in to Farm Journal Field Days Equipment Edition

As harvest comes to a close for farmers across the country, it’s time for end-of-season repairs on your equipment or time purchase new or used equipment to serve your farm in the coming year.

Ferrie: Your Fields May Need A Leveling Pass Now To Prepare For Spring Planting  
Ferrie: Your Fields May Need A Leveling Pass Now To Prepare For Spring Planting

Some parts of the Midwest are seeing abnormally dry weather conditions for early December, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor released on Thursday. That’s a problem going into winter, says Ken Ferrie, Farm Journal Field Agronomist and owner of Crop-Tech Consulting, Inc., Heyworth, Ill.

Dairy Dilemma: Why the U.S. is Ensuring Canada Makes Good on USMCA Promises  
Dairy Dilemma: Why the U.S. is Ensuring Canada Makes Good on USMCA Promises

Five months after the U.S., Mexico, Canada agreement (USMCA) went into effect, and the U.S. isn’t happy with how it’s being implemented in Canada.

Election Guide: What The Election Means for Farmers and Ranchers  
Election Guide: What The Election Means for Farmers and Ranchers

What will a Biden administration ag policy look like? Will it be good for agriculture? Get the latest election coverage here.

How Do We Build a More Resilient Supply Chain?  
How Do We Build a More Resilient Supply Chain?

No one denies the COVID-19 pandemic has ramped up changes that needed to be made in the food supply chain. Will past hesitations be set aside as the industry seeks to find ways to be more resilient in an effort to avoid a repeat of the spring of 2020?

Join our $100 Ideas Club  
Join our $100 Ideas Club

Think you have an idea worth $100 – or even $200? Submit it here! Upon publication in Farm Journal, the Double Your Money winner receives $200. Other farmers featured receive $100 each.

Timely Education and Meaningful Dialogue  
Timely Education and Meaningful Dialogue

The Farm Journal Foundation (FJF) rose to the challenge in 2020 to partner with farmers and engage with consumers, college students and policymakers on issues related to global food security, agricultural research and development, nutrition and conservation.

#FJFieldDays On-Demand: <br />How to Build Your Own Planter  
#FJFieldDays On-Demand:
How to Build Your Own Planter

Join Clinton Griffiths as he explores the ins and outs of tailoring your planter from the toolbar to the technology and everything in between.




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