Dear Friend,
Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. In addition to these weekly updates, you can sign up to receive other issue-specific newsletters here. Also, please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina!
One Year Into the Pandemic
Last week marked one year since our nation, along with much of the world, went under lockdown. Over these 12 months, the pandemic has cost us jobs, businesses, and a heartbreaking 535,000 American lives that we will continue to mourn for years to come. While there is still progress to be made, I am optimistic that our country is turning the corner, thanks to the work we started in 2020.
Over the past year, my efforts have focused on helping South Carolinians weather this storm. That has meant fighting to protect public health through increased telehealth services, vaccines, and more; creating the Payment Protection Plan to save small businesses, nonprofits, and houses of worship from economic ruin; working to keep our children healthy and educated; and advocating for the vulnerable among us. To see a more complete list of my work throughout the pandemic, visit here.
Defending Religious Liberty
At a time when religious liberty is increasingly under attack, I am committed to making sure all Americans can freely live out their faith. Last Wednesday, several of my colleagues and I introduced legislation to protect child welfare providers from being discriminated against for acting in accordance with their religious beliefs.
This is a win, not only for religious freedoms, but also for the 400,000 children in foster care systems across our nation. For decades, faith-based agencies have played a substantial role in foster care and adoption programs across the country. This bill will ensure they continue to receive funding so children have every opportunity to find loving, stable homes. You can read more about it here.
Helping Folks Give Back
Throughout the pandemic, our nonprofits, charities, and houses of worship have been invaluable, meeting the needs of communities across South Carolina and our nation. To ensure they can flourish and continue playing such essential roles, I introduced the Universal Pandemic Response and Recovery Act, along with colleagues on both sides of the aisle. This bill will expand and extend the current charitable giving deduction, incentivizing donations and support from folks across the country who want to help these organizations give back. You can read more about the bill and its supporters here.
Have a great week!