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March 15, 2016
Filling Imaginary Voids
Consuming to Heal

by Madisyn Taylor

The need to fill an imaginary void by shopping is a symptom of disconnection from our true selves.

In our culture today, we are constantly encouraged to consume. This includes food as well as purchasing ever newer items that we may not need, often using money that we may not actually have. It could be that we are trying to fill a void we feel within ourselves, but if we take the time to examine it, we know deep inside that this is not the solution. We may notice how quickly the joy fades after our purchase or once the food weve enjoyed is gone, and how soon we feel the urge to do so again. This is a symptom of disconnection from our true selves, so the first step toward balance is connection to our center.

When we connect to our center, we access the fullness of who we are as an individual spirit. We also connect to the energy source of the universe, from which nothing can be lacking. It could be that we have been energetically starving ourselves but trying to feed the need physically, outwardly. Once we make the decision to reconnect, we have the ability to examine the behavior from a higher place within ourselves. We can look, without judgment, at the thoughts and feelings that occur before and after our indulgences to find a pattern. We may want to keep track of these observations in a journal so that we can go back if we lose our way.

Often boredom is the main cause for the desire to eat or shop. But when we connect to our center, our intuition can more clearly guide us to the places where our energy can best be used. We can replace the boredom with a meditation practice, a class, a project, seeking a new job, or getting involved in a charity. We may even want to begin planning an adventurous trip. Whatever inspires us tells us the direction we should go. When we find the place we are meant to be, we become so consumed by its constant creation that the frivolous filling of an imaginary void becomes a thing of the past.
DailyOM Course Spotlight

Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Most of us do too much, or have more possessions than we need or use. Or both. With our lives swept up in an overwhelming swirl of attachments, worry, and endless, mechanical "doing," our minds become fuzzy on what stays and what goes, what matters and what doesn't. As humans it is in our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is we lose focus, get off balance, and forget how. So how do we dial it back - or even begin - to reduce the noise, release the stuff that doesn't serve and support us, and connect with that which makes our hearts sing? One minute at a time. In present time. No matter how miniscule the task or effort, the fact is, clearing anything consciously and gently as this 28-day program teaches, creates an energetic opening--a spaciousness--that will work on you slowly and surely to soften your grip of attachments to things, beliefs, and outcomes. Whether you are a super-organized neatnik, a hopeless clutterbug, a non-stop multi-! tasker, a curious beginner, or an experienced professional...welcome!This course is for you.

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