Welcome to the brand spanking new Film & Documentary Newsletter! From now on, I'll be sharing not
Aug 21, 2020 • View in browser
Welcome to the brand spanking new Film & Documentary Newsletter! From now on, I’ll be sharing not just Hyperallergic’s latest articles on cinema, but also snapshots of new movies and shows, the latest social media videos we’ve been enjoying, and updates on what’s now available to stream.
This week, we have pieces on a handsome new Agnès Varda collection, Nikola Tesla, an all-teen government, the BlackStar Film Festival, and more!
– Dan Schindel, Associate Editor for Documentary
The Latest News
Enjoy Every Single Agnès Varda Movie, Courtesy of a New Box Set
A Major New Directory of Women and Nonbinary Filmmakers Aims to End Gatekeeping
Sundance Institute Grants COVID Relief Funds to 39 Arts Organizations
Under quarantine, a lot of galleries have switched to doing all-online exhibitions. Check out this short film, which goes behind the scenes of the arts organization The 98 as a group of artists collaborate on an immersive virtual reality installation. Learn about the logistical nuts and bolts of VR and working in quarantine.
5 Degrees: A 98 Studio Documentary
5 Degrees: A 98 Studio Documentary
Our Freshest Reviews
Relic Joins the New Era of “Mommy Horror”
What Happens When a Thousand Teenage Boys Form Their Own Government
Inventor Nikola Tesla Gets a Suitably Unusual Biopic
Here is your video essay pick of the week, in which TREY the Explainer talks about the first bathysphere expeditions. In 1930, naturalist William Beebe traveled further into the depths of the ocean than any human ever had before. He was thus the first to encounter the frankly weird and terrifying creatures of the deep – and some of the specimens he described still haven’t been positively identified.
Terror in the Deep: The Untouchable Fish Incident
Terror in the Deep: The Untouchable Fish Incident
Now Available to Stream
A New Film Investigates How the CIA and MI6 Destroyed Iranian Democracy
Available via virtual cinemas.
Essays and Op-Eds
The Art of the At-Home Concert
Video Essays That Address Race, Inequality, and the Movement for Black Lives
Nudity in the US Film Industry, and How it Has (and Hasn’t) Evolved
For its 2020 edition, the Musicbed Challenge sought short film submissions from independent directors working under the constraints of quarantine. The grand prize winner was Black.Matters, a “virtual protest.” Watch it now:
You can see the rest of the competition’s winners here.
The 2020 BlackStar Film Festival
The Philadelphia-based BlackStar Film Festival is a consistent highlight for independent films by and about communities of color. Like every other film festival this year, it’s happening online thanks to the pandemic. Passes to view the selections are super cheap and the fest is available for anyone living in the US to stream, so I highly recommend checking out the program to see what you might like.
Bedatri Choudhury has a roundup of this year’s fest, and I’ve also collected our previous coverage of films in the program:

And finally, here is the best media criticism of the week:
kylie brakeman
just a couple of blue check liberals having fun online https://t.co/q7qyfq0y1o
Until we can see you in the theater again, stay safe!
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