Dear John,
I am writing to let you know that today is the LAST day of our Black Friday-Cyber Monday flash sale!
It means you have less than 24 hours to get your hands on an exclusive Ziglar Personal Development Cornerstone Collection for an incredible 93% off…
Get This Exclusive Ziglar Collection Here Now!
Instead of paying $1388.82, you only pay $97 for all of this:
1. The Ziglar Personal Performance Planner
2. “How To Profit The Most From Your Personal Performance Planner” - Digital Training
3. “Building The Best You” - Digital Course
4. “How To Stay Motivated” - Audio Training
5. “See You At The Top” - The book that started it all
6. “Live To Win” - 45-day trial membership
7. “Blue Print For Achievement” - CD/DVD set
8. “Born to Win” - Physical Book
9. “Golden Rule Relationships” - Audio Training
PLUS an exclusive bonus only to this Collection: The Ziglar Vault Flash Drive
It’s never been seen by anyone before now, and might not be released ever again…
I said in my first email on Black Friday that I was on a mission to best any Black Friday deal we’ve done before, and judging by the number of collections we’ve sold so far...
It’s been a massive hit!
You still have time to get your hands on one, but only if you act right away and:
Buy Your Cornerstone Collection Here!
Once the clock strikes midnight, this collection won’t exist anymore, and neither will the 93% discount.