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Call Out for Speakers the 2024 Res Artis Conference to be held in Taipei:

Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration
06 – 09 September 2024

Submission Deadline: 4th March, 11pm  (GMT+8) 

The 2024 Res Artis conference titled Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration will be organized by the Taipei|Treasure Hill Artist Village under the Taipei Culture Foundation and co-organized by the Taiwan Art Space Alliance held in Taipei from 6 – 9 September 2024. The conference is supported by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.

Over 200 Res Artis Members, artists, curators, and art administrators from across the globe will gather in Taipei, a multicultural city in Asia that embraces creativity and openness, to focus on trends and challenges of collaborative practice within the international arts residencies field. Using the spectrum as a symbol, where the continuous flow brings the opposite extremes together, the conversation around collaboration will delve into deeper concepts of cross-disciplinary models, social engagement, capacity building and evaluation.

This conference will pay tribute to Margaret Shiu (1946–2021), the founder of Bamboo Curtain Studio and former board member of Res Artis. Margaret was a global leader in the arts residencies field who dedicated her life’s work to ensuring Taiwan and Asia’s place on the international arts residencies map. Her pioneering work in cross-cultural collaboration will be commemorated.

The event will take place in-person in Taipei, with some events streamed online. A broad range of formats will offer diversity to participants, including panel discussions, performances, workshops, art tours and more.

The discussions will center on the following four themes:

Cross-disciplinary models 

What are the trends, challenges and opportunities for collaboration between different arts disciplines and non-arts sectors? We will explore regional diversities with global models and thinking.

Social engagement

Collaborative practices that reflect social issues ranging from climate crisis, indigenous cultures, migrant labor, politics, gentrification, and other themes. Addressing relationships between residency hosts, artists, experts and the public, presentations will focus on principles of care, respect and trust. 

Capacity building 

What sustainable strategies can be engaged through partnerships to support arts residencies? How can residencies develop their succession and accessibility plans? How can art residencies assist artists to build their career trajectory?


What are the best methodologies for evaluating art residencies and their collaborations? 


The 2024 Res Artis Conference welcomes individuals or groups to propose presentations that reflect on the above core conference themes. 

It is anticipated that 10 proposals will be selected from this Open Call for speakers, comprising approximately 70% from Asia and 30% from other regions. 

What is required for your proposal:

Through the online proposal form you will be asked to state the format your presentation will take; a proposal title; provide an abstract (300 – 500 words); and information about any co-speakers. The working language will mainly be conducted in English. If you require it to conducted in Chinese, please indicate this in the abstract.


The result of the review will be announced on the official website of ‘Taipei | Treasure Hill Artist Village’ and ‘Res Artis’ in April. All the applicants will also be contacted through email.

What is provided for speakers:

  • Accommodation for 5 (max) nights during conference days (international speaker only)

  • Local transportation fee will be provided for Taiwanese speakers 

  • Speaker fee: 6,000 NTD (175€)for one person only

  • Waived conference registration fee

  • Gala dinner 

  • International speaker’s airfare / transport to the conference can not be supported

Should you have any questions about the 2024 Res Artis conference or submitting your proposal, or need assistance with access requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email:

Submit a proposal for the 2024 Res Artis Conference
Promotional image for the 2024 Res Artis Conference in Taipei. A rainbow graphic created from two intersecting circles on a grey background. Text reads 'Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration', Res Artis Conference 06 - 09 September, Taipei'.


截止收件日:3月4日 晚上11點GMT+8

Res Artis Conference 2024 — 臺北



以「在光譜中找到彼此:超越合作」為本屆主題的 Res Artis 2024 國際年會,將在臺北市政府文化局的支持下,由財團法人台北市文化基金會台北|寶藏巖國際藝術村主辦、台灣藝文空間連線TASA協會協辦,9月6日到9月9日於臺北舉行。

超過200位來自全球各地的Res Artis會員、藝術家、策展人和藝術管理者們,將齊聚臺北——這座位於亞洲、擁抱創造力和開放性的多元文化城市——聚焦國際藝術進駐在合作的趨勢和挑戰。以光譜兩端間的連續流動為意象,本屆年會將圍繞著「合作」這一主題展開對話,並深入探究跨域合作、社會參與、量能擴增和評估機制。

年會亦將向竹圍工作室創辦人暨Res Artis前董事會成員蕭麗虹Margaret Shiu ,1946-2021)致敬。蕭麗虹女士為藝術進駐的全球領導者,畢生致力於確保臺灣和亞洲在國際藝術進駐上佔有一席之地。我們將紀念她在跨文化合作上的開創性工作。



  • 跨域合作


  • 社會參與


  • 量能擴增


  • 評估機制



Res Artis 2024 國際年會歡迎個人或團體針對前述之大會子題進行提案。 我們將選出共10件提案,預計約7件為來自亞洲的提案,3件為其他區域。


  • 海外講者於年會期間享有至多五個晚上的住宿
  • 臺灣講者居住/工作地往返主會場交通補助
  • 演講費新台幣六千元(約175歐元)
  • 年會門票減免
  • 晚宴招待
  • 注意:海外講者須自理機票及落地後交通費

如有任何關於Res Artis 2024 國際年會或投稿的疑問,請以電子郵件聯繫我們

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