A great way to kickstart your new year’s resolution.


I’m proud to say that at Free Press, we don’t take a penny from business, government or political parties — everything we do is possible only because of support from people like you.

That’s why I wanted to be sure you had the opportunity to TRIPLE your donation before time runs out!

That’s right: Our generous donor decided to EXTEND his triple-match offer until midnight tonight because we didn’t get all the way to our $50,000 goal last night. That means we have just 4 hours left to meet our goal and triple every single donation along the way.

My new year’s resolution for 2022 is to get policymakers to regulate Big Tech and win important victories for broadband access, media justice and Net Neutrality. Will you join me in that resolution by supporting the critical work Free Press has planned for the coming year? Donate by midnight and your gift will be TRIPLED!

Thank you so much … and happy new year from the whole Free Press team!

In solidarity,


Free Press

From all of us at Free Press, Happy New Year!

I’m writing to you this morning because I have good news and bad news.

The bad news first: We did not reach our $50,000 year-end goal. In fact, we’re still $1,816 short.

But here’s the good news: When I called Mike Apgar to update him on the match this morning, he agreed to EXTEND his offer to triple all donations through tonight at midnight.

That means we still have 14 hours to meet (or exceed!) our $50,000 goal and all donations will be TRIPLE MATCHED for 3x the impact. (Thanks, Mike!!)

2022 is the year to fight disinformation, finally regulate Big Tech, bring back Net Neutrality — and so much more. Our democracy depends on our success.

Please donate by midnight to TRIPLE your impact.

Thank you!

Free Press

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