Dear John What are your big dreams in life? Do they seem far from where you are now? It’s easy to feel pulled in too many directions, and life passes by so quickly that we don’t get around to achieving the things we really want or the things that matter most. And there’s no time for a massive goal-setting session and a complete life overhaul to start working on those goals…especially if you’re already overwhelmed. One thing my dad taught me is that it doesn’t take a complete overhaul to go from living the “typical,” exhausted life to achieving your big goals. It just takes a little planning and direction. Imagine walking around at a brisk pace for two hours with no real direction vs. taking a few minutes to plan where you’re going and then walking for the same two hours. You will get MUCH further and end up where you want to be in the second example—and the walking didn’t take any extra effort. The Ziglar Performance Planner gives you the tools to make that change in just a few minutes a day—and increase your productivity by 200-300%! It was designed by one of the most motivational, inspiring, successful, and BUSY people ever, and it’s the only planner on the planet to be tried, tested, and approved by millions of people! (It’s no wonder this planner keeps selling out!) The Performance Planner is the perfect way to stay focused on your goals and achieve the things that matter, without taking over your life—and it’s back in stock now! See what our #1 best-selling Ziglar Performance Planner can do for you. |