Find out the organizational impact of your decisions

Gain Finance Skills Every Manager Needs at Our Finance Essentials for Non-Financial Managers Training


Whether you’re scheduling operations, hiring, firing, making/adjusting a budget, or sending an invoice for payment, your decisions affect your company’s bottom line.

The financial implications of your decisions can either positively impact your company’s performance – or just the opposite.

Without the combination of strategic thinking and finance essentials, your decisions can result in wasted resources and poor financial performance.

To ensureure you’re making strategic decisions that drive organization performance everyday, we’ve partnered with a former CFO and CEO to give you finance essentials every manager needs to succeed – and how to combine them with your strategic leadership skills.

Together with these tools and your leadership instincts and insights ...

You'll know


Company financial statements and how to analyze the significance of each

Accounting principles that improve job performance on your team

The essentials for stronger business acumen across your company

You'll be able to


Simplify your company’s key finances

Use a variety of tools, techniques, methods, ratios, and models to inform profit and productivity

Make better decisions knowing the full financial implications of each

Gain the Fundamentals to Drive Company Performance

Online Workshop + Your Questions Answered + At Your Convenience Recording

We understand that due to COVID-19, most people are working remotely and in multiple locations, so we’re trying something a little different to accommodate such situations.

We're now offering additional access to each workshop registration!

After registering, simply reply to your invite email with a list of all the folks who will need additional access links. Please include their first name, last name, and email address.

Register Here

Hope to see you there,

The Premier Learning Solutions Team