Registration now open for The Power of Presence: An Eight-Week Training Course for Awakening Consciousness and Living in the Now  
Registration now open for The Power of Presence: An Eight-Week Training Course for Awakening Consciousness and Living in the Now
Dear friends,

Thanks to the many of you who have already joined our upcoming course with Eckhart Tolle.

Bringing more Presence into your life may be one of the most important acts of kindness that you can give to yourself.

In the first module of the course, “To Think or Not to Think,” Eckhart guides us to step out of identification with the thinking mind to access an intelligence that is far greater than our intellect.

Here are a few other topics we will be exploring in the first module:

  • The sense of aliveness that flows in when we step out of the mind and into stillness
  • How thinking of the past or future habitually puts us into negative states
  • How to perform tasks in daily life without the interference of thinking
  • How your thinking actually becomes more empowered when you transcend conceptualization

In Module Two, we’ll turn our attention to finding “Portals to Presence.” When we transcend the mind-made “little me” and anchor ourselves in the formless dimension of Presence, a natural joy arises.

In Module Three, “Dealing with Unconsciousness and the Pain-Body,” we examine the nature of human reactivity and the individual’s role in the awakening of human consciousness. Eckhart investigates some of our more challenging emotional states and what he calls “the pain-body,” offering several on-the-spot practices we can employ to become a source of sanity instead of contributing to suffering.

Eckhart will also share with us how to use sound to enter the Now and why the gateway to the Now is the gateway to yourself.

We invite you to learn about all eight teaching modules here:

We have less than a week to go before enrollment closes, so we invite you to join us today.

Warm regards,
Your friends at Eckhart Teachings

P.S. The Power of Presence course brings you special bonus gifts including all-new teachings with Eckhart, live Q&A sessions, teachings with Kim Eng, and more—all backed by our one-year, 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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