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March 29, 2016


Today's Top Stories

Finding New Clients on Campus

Mercer Merges With Kanaly Trust to Create $8 Billion RIA

Diana Britton


Asset Protection Success Stories

Howard Rosen and Patricia Donlevy-Rosen


Yale Can Keep Van Gogh Masterpiece as Top Court Rejects Appeal

Greg Stohr | Bloomberg


Women in Wealth: Being the Succession Plan

Kelly Kennedy


The Stephen and Kevin Show

Episode 23: Firing Clients, Best Client Gift Ideas, Crowdsourcing Gone Wrong

The Daily Brief

A Robo Consensus

Tadas Viskanta asks a group of well-known, independent financial bloggers a simple question: If venture capital for robo advisors has reached a peak, whither the future?While no one makes specific predictions for specific providers, there is consensus among the cognoscenti: Robos are really robo-allocators, not advice givers; they will be ubiquitous and the large brokerages (Schwab, Fidelity) will dominate the space. Savvy advisors will use them as a tool for the kids and smaller accounts, but they will never replace the flesh-and-blood relationship that more affluent clients need.

Portion of Law Grad's Debt Forgiven in Bankruptcy
A federal judge recently ruled that a law school graduate who filed for bankruptcy protection could cancel her debt for a loan taken out while studying for the bar exam, the Wall Street Journal reports. Though the court was careful to differentiate the loan in this case (taken to cover living expenses while studying for the bar exam full time) from traditional federal student loans, which are only forgiven under bankruptcy in cases of severe hardship, this decision represents a notable escalation in what “student debt” can be cancelled under bankruptcy.

The Knowledge Gap
A client’s retirement nest egg may be the most important part of their overall financial picture. Yet 64 percent of advisors are worried that retirement income advisors are unable to perform their jobs because of inadequate training, according to a recent survey from The American College of Financial Services. And 68 percent of respondents were concerned that their colleagues are not keeping up with the legal changes that impact their clients’ retirement income plans, the Ethical Issues in Retirement Income Planning Survey found. Advisors assume clients’ knowledge levels are even worse, with 88 percent of respondents concerned about their clients’ ability to properly understand their retirement income plans. Eight-five percent expressed concern that clients do not understand the products and services they’re offered.




Congratulations to the winners of the 3rd round of Wealth Management Madness!


Voting for the Final 4 is now open.