John, for the longest time, I couldn’t have told you what I was passionate about.

I didn’t know what my "dream livelihood” might be.

I was a Certified Public Accountant for 6 years… and after that I was selling t-shirts with my mom and brother out of a push-cart for 10 years.

NEVER did I imagine that today I’d be writing "Notes from the Universe” and speaking to audiences around the world about living our dreams. In this video, I talk about the long and winding path that led me here...  
I’ve learned that finding your "bliss" doesn't come from defining it or carefully choosing the right path. It comes from having the right priorities, the right focus, and following your heart down a number of different paths... giving Divine Intelligence maximum freedom to intervene with course corrections.

I want you to know that it is possible to find where your passions lie, even if you aren't sure what they might be. That's why I've created a course on dream livelihood – to show you that it can be done and how to do it.

In it, I'll show you how to:

  • Define what you want, even if you don’t know exactly what that is
  • Demonstrate, prepare, and act as if you’ve already achieved your "bliss"
  • Break through limiting beliefs about purpose, destiny, and career 
  • Take action in specific directions while preservingall other options 
  • Go beyond “making a living” to create a deeply fulfilling and creative life

John, if I did it – going from accounting to selling t-shirts to writing as “the Universe” and living a life that exceeds my wildest dreams – you can too. 

Fortune favors the bold, John -
P.S. Fortune favors the bold, John. But as you’ll learn, it takes so little to be bold in the eyes of the Universe. You have a partner, you are supernatural, your thoughts become things, and every day you are pushed on to greatness… as long as you do your part. “Your part,” when it comes to having creative, fulfilling work, is what this course is all about.