IFSEC Global sat down with Helen Hewitt, CEO of the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) for Fire Door Safety Week, to discuss the importance of awareness and education on fire doors.
The webinar ‘Burning Issues Surrounding Lithium-Ion Battery Fires’ presented by Matt Humby from Firechief in October prompted many questions both during and after the event.
BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) and NAPIT (National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers) has announced what is said to be the ‘first ever’ Third-Party Certification and BAFE Registration to the DS301 competency scheme.
Get your hands on our latest eBook, covering the key discussions that took place at this year’s FIREX International. How can we tame global fire safety issues? And where is the current debate at on single or dual staircases for tall residential buildings in the UK? Find out all this, and more, by downloading...
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