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  December 4, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Use TRAIN matrix to triage patients in mass evacuation

Modify the Triage by Resource Allocation for IN-patient (TRAIN) matrix to suit your facility’s needs in case of a mass evacuation.

Briefings on Accreditation and Quality

Q&A: Smoke, flames, and wildfires

In 2007, San Diego County had a huge wildfire that forced several hospitals, nursing homes, and behavioral health hospitals to evacuate. Sharp HealthCare was one of the hospital systems to take in some of those patients at that time. BOAQ spoke with Carlson about lessons learned from their previous brushes with wildfire, and how her healthcare system is preparing for the next one.

Case Study: Winter Storm Jonas

Consult your emergency management plan when facing an impending storm, and update this plan with lessons learned after each storm to avoid grappling with problems that may already have solutions. This is just one of the lessons reinforced for hospitals that were impacted by Winter Storm Jonas (aka “Snowzilla”) back in January 2016.


Marketing Spotlight

WEBINAR - Preliminary Denial of Accreditation: Actions, Recovery, and Prevention

Presented on: Wednesday, December 12 2018 |1:00-2:30 p.m. EST
Presented by: Kurt A Patton, MS, RPh.
Register: https://hcmarketplace.com/preliminary-denial-of-accreditation

When the Joint Commission hands out a Preliminary Denial of Accreditation (PDA) decision, you have a small window to set things right. If you can’t get your hospital to band together to fix the problem, a PDA can cost you your accreditation, reputation, and ability to treat patients. And that’s before CMS gets involved. Join former Joint Commission surveyor Kurt Patton, MS, RPh, this August as he reviews how you might get a PDA, what you can do about it, and what surveyors will expect during their follow-up.


Editor's Pick

The CMS Conditions of Participation and Interpretive Guideline, 2019

November 27, 2018


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Brian Ward
Associate Editor
Accreditation Insider

35 Village Road
Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

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