Jul 10, 2020
By John Stossel

The new totalitarians demand that no one criticize their view of the world.
By Nicole Russell

It’s important for taxpayers to observe their school district’s decisions, ask questions, and attempt to hold public schools accountable for providing the education our children deserve.
By Anthony B. Kim

Indonesia often is mentioned as one of Asia’s next powerhouse economies, but it might be fairer to say the nation already has achieved that status.
By Rachel del Guidice

“It is more harmful to keep children locked out of schools and less harmful and less risky for children to go back to schools, and that’s the bottom line. It’s as simple as that,” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., says.
By Rachel del Guidice

Why are coronavirus cases surging in some states? What have doctors learned about treating COVID-19 in the past few months? Are masks actually effective? Dr. Kevin Pham answers all these questions and more.

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