The day's top cybersecurity news and in-depth coverage

CSO First Look

December 11, 2020

FireEye breach explained: How worried should you be?

The theft of red team tools, allegedly by Russia's Cozy Bear group, poses only a small threat to other organizations. The real lesson: Anyone can be hacked. Read more ▶

Image: 10 biggest cybersecurity M&A deals in 2020

10 biggest cybersecurity M&A deals in 2020

COVID-19 hasn't slowed the pace of mergers and acquisitions for 2020, although the size of the transactions is down from last year.

What CISOs need to know about Europe's GAIA-X cloud initiative

A new cloud platform based on "European values" around data sovereignty, data protection and privacy will be an alternative to the likes of AWS or Azure.

How TrickBot haunted businesses for years

TrickBot is one of the longest-lived botnets on the internet and represents a major threat to businesses and other organizations because it serves as a distribution platform for the infamous Ryuk ransomware and other threat actors.

Why you should consider outsourcing DLP

Data loss due to insider threats is a growing problem, but many companies don't have the resources to support an in-house data loss prevention system. Outsourcing might be the answer.

4 Windows 10 settings to prevent credential theft

Review these Windows settings to make sure you're not making it easy for attackers to steal login credentials.

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