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In yet another outrageous case of neglect, three Sacramento, Calif., dogs were found baking alive inside a car that had reached 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71...
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Anyone who cares deeply about animal rights has two goals: to end animal suffering and to get others to join the cause so they too can help with that...
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When rescuers released this young otter, his family was there to greet him!
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Today is a triumphant one for lovers of common sense. In a 6-2 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld a law that prevents anyone convicted of domestic violence...
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SAVE the remaining Bomb Sniffing Dogs from the clutches of Eastern Securities!
signatures: 75789
created by: Amy Swope
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Almost exactly three years ago, thousands of Texans were screaming down the clock as a special session expired and SB 5, an omnibus anti-abortion bill,...
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He’s probably one of the last people you’d expect to be doing this, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is dropping meat from his diet. Surprised? You...
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Sparrows may be a common sight in your backyard or neighborhood bird feeder, but there’s one species in the United States that’s in big...
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On Friday, June 24, President Obama officially designated the Stonewall Inn as a national monument. But why is Stonewall so important to the LGBT...
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This is how a group of crabs performs a housing exchange ... if only humans could show such efficiency when it comes to sharing resources!
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A CDC advisory panel has come out against the FluMist nasal delivery system that has been a popular flu vaccine alternative for children. On Wednesday,...
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In a few short weeks, Cleveland, Ohio, is set to host the Republican National Convention. Much attention is being given to the drama surrounding...
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A school district in Georgia is hiring 450 teachers but they’re not requiring any educational training. A bachelor's degree will suffice. More and...
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Do you think only homophobes protest Pride parades? Think again. The Guardian reports that many within the LGBTQIA community skipped Pride this year for a...
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I can't blame woman for feeling their "right" to an abortion is hardly a right at all. After all, Republicans at the state and federal level love passing...
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