A fake Telegram Premium app delivers information-stealing malware, in a prime example of the rising threat of adversaries leveraging everyday applications, researchers say.
| LATEST SECURITY NEWS & COMMENTARY | FireScam Android Spyware Campaign Poses 'Significant Threat Worldwide' A fake Telegram Premium app delivers information-stealing malware, in a prime example of the rising threat of adversaries leveraging everyday applications, researchers say. China's Salt Typhoon Adds Charter, Windstream to Telecom Victim List These latest attacks follow a long string of cyberattacks and breaches targeting US and global telecom and ISP companies. EagerBee Backdoor Takes Flight Against Mideast ISPs, Government Targets The malware, operated by China-backed cyberattackers, has been significantly fortified with new evasive and post-infection capabilities. IoT's Regulatory Reckoning Is Overdue New security regulations are more than compliance hurdles — they're opportunities to build better products, restore trust, and lead the next chapter of innovation. Veracode Buys Package Analysis Technology From Phylum The deal adds Phylum's technology for malicious package analysis, detection, and mitigation to Veracode's software composition analysis portfolio. MORE NEWS / MORE COMMENTARY | | | PRODUCTS & RELEASES | CDAO Sponsors Crowdsourced AI Assurance Pilot in the Context of Military Medicine UN General Assembly Adopts Cybercrime Treaty VicOne and Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) to Lead Pwn2Own Automotive MORE PRODUCTS & RELEASES |
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