March 13, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

You know that newsletter pitchmen can't resist coronavirus-related stories, and I imagine those spiels touting various technology, biotech and vaccine companies will probably continue as long as COVID-19 is on every front page -- the one I've been asked about most in the past few days is from Nick Hodge, who says his stock could go from $1 to $20 because it has the first machine that can test for the virus on site... so what's he talking about?  Just click below to....

Joe Montana has a long history of making some dynamite investing decisions. In fact, through his investment fund, he even backed giants like Dropbox and Pinterest well before they exploded onto the scene. Now one of the sectors he has his eye on is the cannabis market. And he’s sitting down with the co-founder of the National Institute for Cannabis Investors to talk about the hottest trends in the industry – along with the three most important things to look at if you’re planning to place a single cent in this market. Click here now for unrestricted access.


It's been a wild week, and we're not done yet -- I've been fairly quiet, mostly because I've been thinking and trying to avoid the headlines, but I'll have more info to share later today in our regular Friday File.  I did share a new Trade Note with the Irregulars yesterday outlining a few stocks I had sold and a few more that I'm buying... If you click through below you can see the note in the thread from last week's Friday File, and join in the discussion if you like...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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