Important updates as the month comes to a close

Free Press Action

Friend, what a month!

FIRST: We celebrated the Federal Communications Commission’s announcement of nearly $200 million in fines against AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon for illegally sharing customers' location data without first securing their consent. This is a HUGE win in our fight for data privacy.

THEN: In response to politically motivated attacks on NPR, Free Press Action Co-CEO Craig Aaron testified before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee to make the case for protecting public media and expanding it to meet the real needs of local communities.

NOW: We’re pushing the Senate to pass the First Amendment Is Not For Sale Act (FAINFSA), which would end the practice of law-enforcement agencies violating our constitutional rights by purchasing our online data — including our location and search histories — without a warrant.

SOON: As the month comes to a close, our team will take a look at our fundraising to determine how much we can accomplish in June and the months ahead in this pivotal election year.

Will you rush a $5 donation to Free Press Action today? Help us send a strong message that we’re never backing down in our fights for your rights to privacy and a strong public-media system. We’re short of our monthly target by 103 individual contributions, so your very first gift could be the one that puts us over the top:

Thanks for investing in our movement at a critical time,

All of us at Free Press Action

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