Hello there. So, it's September, and however many years may have lapsed since you last went to school, it's still the ideal time of year to get on with some learning. So here I am plugging our upcoming CMU Insights training courses, and a new blog about the CMU news stories our digital masterclass will help explain.

The next season of CMU Insights training courses kick off with our masterclass on the streaming business, Digital Deals, Dollars And Trends - Explained! on Monday 18 Sep at 2pm.

In one afternoon, I will tell you how streaming services are licensed, how streaming royalties are paid, which streaming services dominate, and what challenges remain.

The session also provides background and context to a number of running music business stories, including the streaming boom, Spotify's mechanical royalty woes and bloody YouTube. In my latest CMU Insights blog post I run through what news stories will be covered in more detail - scroll down to read it or click here.

Tickets to this masterclass at the London HQ of Lewis Silkin are just £99 including VAT and booking fee. Click here to get your ticket.

Our eight part evening seminar programme How The Music Business Works starts the following week, Monday 25 Sep, also at the London HQ of Lewis Silkin on Chancery lane.

Over eight weeks, this programme provides a comprehensive guide to the wider music industry, covering revenue streams, copyright, licensing, digital, physical, live, merch, brands, social media, music PR, direct-to-fan and artist deals.

You can join us on the entire programme for just £299 including VAT and booking fees. To book your slot click here.

Don't forget we also provide in-house training for music companies, and courses for members of organisations like BPI and IMRO. For more information about these services click here.

And for those of you beyond the UK and Ireland, look out for details about how you too will be able to access our training courses very soon!

Thanks for reading,
Chris Cooke
MD & Business Editor, CMU

A new season of CMU Insights training courses kicks off later this month with our masterclass 'Digital Deals, Dollars And Trends - Explained!' on 18 Sep.

This half-day session provides a concise but comprehensive guide to the streaming business, explaining how streaming services are licensed, how streaming royalties are paid, which streaming services dominate, and what challenges remain.

Attendees will leave the masterclass with a good understanding of digital licensing and the streaming market, and will also be much more informed about a number of the digital music stories that we keep coming back to in the CMU Daily. Including these five...

1. The streaming boom and who's actually benefiting. It seems like pretty much every week now there is a news story confirming that the income being generated for the music industry by streaming continues to grow at a rapid pace. This trend is routinely confirmed by the financial reports of the big record companies, by the stats packs put out by the record industry trade bodies, and by an assortment of research reports. But at the same time we hear about the precarious position of many of the streaming music companies, plus some in the artist and songwriter community continue to bemoan the royalties they are personally receiving. We will explain where the streaming money is being generated, how it is being shared, which stakeholders are the biggest winners, and why.

2. Spotify's ongoing issue with mechanical royalties in the US. Spotify is facing yet more litigation over unpaid mechanical royalties in America, despite already committing tens of millions of dollars to previous settlements on this issue. Responding to the latest lawsuit last week, Spotify dropped a bombshell new argument - that mechanical royalties aren't even due on streams. If you ever wondered what mechanical royalties are; or if and when mechanicals apply in digital; or what all this means for the way streaming royalties are paid to songwriters; or why mechanicals are such a mess Stateside; we will explain all of these things in the masterclass.

3. The fake songs controversy. All the talk about there being fake songs on Spotify was basically fake news. Though it did highlight the fact that the current streaming model means that some tracks are cheaper to stream than others, and certain kinds of production music will be a lot cheaper indeed. Even if Spotify isn't prioritising cheaper tracks in its playlists today, it could in the future. We will explain in detail how this streaming model works, how it came about, and what the future ramifications may be.

4. A possible shift to user-centric royalty distribution. So called user-centric royalty distribution - an alternative way of sharing out the streaming income between different labels and artists - was a topic of discussion earlier this year after it emerged Deezer was considering moving to this different approach. Rumours then also circulated that Apple was likewise investigating this option. But what the hell does it all mean? Well, first you need to understand how royalties are currently distributed, and then you can understand the pros and cons of the user-centric system. We'll explain it all in the masterclass.

5. The continued dissing of YouTube. We all know the music industry has been putting extra effort into dissing YouTube in the last year, and that that all has something to do with the pesky copyright safe harbours that are currently being reviewed in the US and Europe. But what's it all about really? We'll explain how the safe harbour works, and where opt-out rather than opt-in streaming services fit into the wider digital music mix, as part of our masterclass later this month.

So, to fully understand what's going on with all those news stories, why not join us at the London HQ of Lewis Silkin on 18 Sep at 2pm? Tickets for 'Digital Deals, Dollars And Trends - Explained!' are just £99 including booking fee and VAT - click here to book.

CMU supports the music community by providing news, business intelligence, training and education.

CMU Daily covers all the latest news and developments direct by email.

CMU Podcast is a weekly dissection of the biggest music business stories.

CMU Premium gives you access to the weekly CMU Digest and CMU Trends.

CMU Insights provides training and consultancy for music companies.

CMU:DIY provides workshops and resources for future music talent.

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