Five powerful mindsets that drive sales
By Chris Young, May 14, 2018 7:16:01 PM

What gets in our way.

It is no wonder we struggle. We get in our own way.

Our mindsets, our mental models, our past experiences, our habits, our perspective, our biases and our own arrogance get in our own way. Each contribute to slowing us down from getting what we really want.

Human beings are comfort-seeking creatures. 

Once a way of doing something is identified that brings the desired results we often shut our minds off from other possibilities - to other ways. In our personal lives and especially in business, moats are often built to protect the way something is done.

Management systemizes ways of doing something into processes and punishes those who dare to think outside-the-box.

Meanwhile, a competitor who neither cares about comfort, nor relationships, nor history nor moats identifies a better way that is more efficient, less costly and creates more value.

History if full of competitors who burned their own boats.

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