How do spiritual leaders lead through challenging times? They ask challenging questions.
Questions travel to places of the heart and mind that advice doesn't. Good, thought-provoking questions can lead us to new understandings of ourselves, God and the church.
That includes those dreaded questions about budgets and giving.
As director of stewardship development at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and as a consultant, I equip leaders of church communities to foster generosity through initiatives ranging from planned giving to annual stewardship. I've developed a set of questions to ask stewardship leaders to help them in their work.
(1) What is your mission in stewardship ministry? Notice, the question is not, "What is the mission of your stewardship ministry?" The question is about your mission, the reason for your being involved in stewardship ministry.
It is critical for you to know what unique role you play in this ministry and to be honest about how much of yourself you are giving to this work. When people, companies and congregations are on a mission, we know it. Missions are contagious. Is yours? How would people describe your mission in stewardship ministry? Contagious and inspiring, or apathetic and fearful?
Examine why you do what you do in stewardship ministry. Hopefully, you are giving it your best time and thinking. But if your mission is not based on a sense of calling, you will struggle, and your stewardship ministry will suffer because of it.
Think about ways you can have more impact. What might happen if your focus on stewardship ministry changed? Think and decide. Do you really want to be on this mission? Is it time to change your mission?
(2) Do you know the reasons why people are not giving? It is valuable to become familiar with the answers to this question. People have reasons for giving, but they also have important reasons for not giving.