September 13, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Ready for a look at some high-yield dividend stocks?  We haven't turned down this road for a while, so I thought we'd dig through Robert Rapier's teaser for his Income Forecaster service that looks for riskier high-yield, high-growth prospect companies (higher than his usual utilities, at least)... he's teasing five favorites now, and the clues might not mean we've got exact matches, but we've at least got some interesting high-dividend stocks to look at... just click below to...

If you have any money in the U.S. banking system, pay close attention because….

Bank of America is warning its clients that ALL checking accounts are likely to be replaced with digital dollars soon.

And it’s not just Bank of America.

This former VP of a major U.S. investment bank just released this list with more than 110 banks that are preparing to do the same.

If your bank is on this list, you’ll need to move your cash by the end of this month... or risk your entire life savings.

Click here to see the full list.


This is Apple's week for the spotlight, so I guess it's no surprise that we're seeing "Apple of AI" teaser pitches -- the one I covered yesterday was from Wealthpin Pro, promoting a $2 stock that Alex Reid says is about to release an operating system that that will amaze us all, and "power virtually all of the AI technology of the future."  So what's the stock, and what's the story?  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
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