The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Tammy Duckworth for Senate: 

Dear Friend,

With the GOP Senate leadership vowing to continue their obstructionist tactics indefinitely, now is the time to ensure a Democratic Senate majority in 2016—and flipping the Senate starts with Tammy Duckworth in Illinois.

POLITICO has called incumbent Republican Senator Mark Kirk “The most endangered Republican in the country.” This race is Democrats' best chance in the nation to turn a Republican Senate seat blue in November.

It’s not surprising. Sen. Mark Kirk has proven again and again that middle-class Americans are not his priority. He put Wall Street first by voting against Dodd-Frank banking reform. He voted against equal pay for equal work for women, and voted to cut childcare to support working moms, as well as nutrition aid for pregnant women.

Families in Illinois need a leader who will advocate for people like them. That's why Tammy Duckworth is running for Senate.

Will you add your name to help Tammy defeat Mark Kirk, the most vulnerable GOP senator?

Tammy will stand up for working families and won't be beholden to corporate interests and billionaires. She'll work to make college more affordable for our students. Tammy is a Veteran who is dedicated to protecting the honor of those who sacrifice for our country every day.

Tammy Duckworth is the type of leader Illinois needs and she will help regain a Democratic majority in the Senate come November. But she needs your support in order to do so.

Join our grassroots campaign to help Tammy defeat Republican incumbent Sen. Mark Kirk and turn the Senate blue. Add your name to stand with her.

Thank you for taking action,

Team Duckworth




Paid for and authorized by Tammy for Illinois

AlterNet | 1881 Harmon St. Berkeley CA 94703

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