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Mar 22, 2023  /  The Right News Right When It Happens
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Architecture Billings Declined to 48.0 in February
Washington, DC, March 22, 2023--More architecture firms reported a decline in billings in February, with the index score declining to 48.0 from 49.3 in January, according to a new report released from The American Institute of Architects (AIA).
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Today's Flooring News
Home Prices Declined in Feb., Marking First YOY Drop in A Decade
New York, NY, March 22, 2023—"The first year-over-year drop in home prices in more than a decade and a dip in mortgage rates snapped a yearlong streak of declining monthly home sales, showing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s campaign to raise interest rates,” reports the Wall Street Journal.
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CFI Develops Credential for FCEF Installation College Program
Dalton, GA, March 22, 2023-–The Certified Flooring Installer (CFI) program will offer testing, credentialing, and credit recognition for graduates of the Floor Covering Education Foundation’s (FCEF) “Basic Floor Covering Installation” program (BFCI) offered throughout its network of technical colleges and schools.
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American Consumers Have Lost $1 Trillion to Inflation
Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 22, 2023—"Ever since retail opened up after the pandemic, the National Retail Federation has gushed over the resiliency of the U.S. economy and the American consumer,” reports Unity Marketing.
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NeoCon Announces Keynotes for 2023 Event
Chicago, IL, March 22, 2023—NeoCon—which will be held June 12 to 14 at The Mart in Chicago, is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for this year’s edition: futurist Amy Webb (founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute); designer, writer, and teacher, Michael Murphy (co-founder of MASS Design Group); and "The Hip Hop Architect” Michael Ford, AIA, NOMA, alongside Chicago hip hop legend and visiting MIT professor, Wasalu Muhammad Jaco, a.k.a Lupe Fiasco.
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Mortgage Applications Rose 3.0% in Week Ending March 17
Washington, DC, March 22, 2023—Mortgage applications increased 3.0% from one week earlier, according to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending March 17, 2023.
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Mark Clayton Discusses the Highlights of His Career
March 22, 2023—Mark Clayton, Industry veteran and president of Phenix, and Kemp Harr discuss the highlights of Mark's career in the carpet indus
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