How breeders respond to the many developments in rose and clematis demand ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Friday, July 16, 2021
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Elita Vellekoop

Eddy Huijsmans

Geert Peeters

Eelkje Pulley

Priscilla Heeffer

Annet Breure

 Job Offers
Sale Manager - remote position located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
State Specialist/Extension Professor of Plant Pathology - Durham (NH) USA
Grower - Snowflake, Arizona
Sales Director
Master Hydroponics Grower - Bethesda (MD) USA
Commercial Director - ROA (To be based in Malaysia)
Senior Grower Leafy Greens & Herbs - Moss, Norway
Ervaren teeltmedewerker
Grower medicinal Cannabis - Zurich Switzerland

Mogens Nyegaard Olesen, Poulsen Roser A/S, breeder of roses and clematis

How breeders respond to the many developments in rose and clematis demand

From ‘instant gardening’ to heavily perfumed roses, there have been many developments happening in the demand for roses and clematis, according to Mogens Nyegaard Olesen,…

Simone Austing on the new T.O. Plastics 450 Square Pot

“We added tag slots to our pots to meet requirements from growers and retailers”

“Building on our 450 Square Pot, we added tag slots on each side of the pot to provide ample and flexible branding opportunities. Hanging tags of all sizes easily slide into…

NL: Piet Maas retires after 45 years at De Ruiter

After working with roses for more than half a century and 45 years of service at Royal de Ruiter, Piet Maas retired yesterday. He started at the age of twelve, picking roses…

PanAmerican seed leverages Tavant's artificial intelligence expertise to optimize seed production process

"Data-driven predictive analytics will empower a sustainable tomorrow"

Tavant, a digital products and solutions company, today announced it has partnered with PanAmerican Seed, which is a part of Ball Horticultural Company, a…

Egon Jansen (TNO) about SIOM update:

"The system tells us straight away whether additional installations are needed"

For years, it was mainly either 'standard' glass Venlo greenhouses or 'standard' foil greenhouses that were erected for growers at the most diverse locations internationally.…

Research update: effects of FloraLife Express Clear 100 on freshly harvested roses

"Flowers look fresh and turgid again"

To restore the water balance of flowers that are shipped and stored dry, one needs to properly hydrate the flowers upon arrival, a common practice. Once rehydrated with…

"Flower opportunities in the Dominican Republic are endless"

Patrick Vez is one of Anthura’s first growers. He lives in Portugal with his wife and 6 children and owns a nursery there of 5,000m² filled with Anthurium cut flowers for the…

Photo courtesy of Ohio State University

Poinsettia production tips: 2021

Now that poinsettias are safely tucked into their prop trays and the threat of Erwinia (Pectobacterium) is almost over, it’s time to think about other poinsettia issues. Root…

Special Greenhouse Construction

Havecon adds 1.3ha for Hendrik’s Greenhouses

CAN (ON): “We are collaborating again to expand by 1.3ha to meet increasing demand”

Dutch greenhouse construction company Havecon will be building a 1.3ha project for Hendrik’s Greenhouses in Canada to meet their ever increasing market demands. This addition…

Gazette Herald

UK: Appeal to restore 18th century glasshouse

Helmsley Walled Garden has launched an appeal to raise £25,000 towards the renovation of one of its historic glasshouses. The Orchid House is one of the original glasshouses…

132,210 square meters

Zhejiang University opens 11 research greenhouses

A research greenhouse has been completed in Zhejiang University’s Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Experimental Center, China. This research greenhouse designed…

Video Photo report Cultivate'21

It's a wrap! Cultivate'21 ended on Tuesday and busy, upbeat, positivity, and well attended are just some of the words that were often used by the exhibitors to describe the…

Credit USDA-ARS, Stephen Ausmus

US (OR): Sightings of spotted lanternflies worry nursery industry

The news that two spotted lanternflies were found in Willamette Valley nurseries worries some Oregon farmers, including wine grape growers who know the damage it causes. The…

Dümmen Orange donates royalties from Yellowstone petunias to benefit yellowstone forever

Dümmen Orange presented a check in the amount of $80,000 to Yellowstone Forever, the official nonprofit partner of Yellowstone National Park.  Earlier this year, Dümmen Orange teamed…

6 - 8 October 2021

NL: Update trade fair GrootGroenPlus

The team with GrootGroenPlus is currently working on the preparations for the next physical edition of trade fair GrootGroenPlus, which will take place on 6 -…

Video Evanthia x Celosia: "from seed to success"

Dutch flower breeder Evanthia explains more about the breeding of their Celosia varieties in this video.  For more information:Evanthia Seeds & Plants+31

AmericanHort announces the HortScholar class of 2021

"Spotlighting emerging leaders in the horticulture industry"

For the past fifteen years, AmericanHort has identified and supported emerging leaders in the horticulture industry through the HortScholar Program. After a…

Today on social media


Tanya Carvalho

Things are really starting to size up and bloom to perfection at Sawaya Garden Trials. Our 12’ basket is starting to trail, in 2 weeks it will be an outstanding show of…

© Aimee2013 |

Northern Ireland: Lady Ashley banned from entering the country

Brexit has been over for over half a year. In order to protect the EU internal market, there has been a regulatory limit in the Irish Sea since then. This…

Year of the hardy Hibiscus

2021 has been dubbed the Year of the Hardy Hibiscus by The National Garden Bureau, so Star Roses and Plants is taking this opportunity to feature their favorite hardy…

A look at the 'slow flower movement'

Garden Guy Dale K shares insight into a new initiative called the "slow flower movement" which involves growing chemical-free cut flowers.  


Toylet paper


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