Elita Vellekoop Email
Annet Breure Email
Eddy Huijsmans Email
Geert Peeters Email
Jan Jacob Mekes Email
Sachin Appachu, Bliss Flora
Kenyan growers looking to broaden transportation horizons
For mother stock location in Ethiopia and rooting facility in the Netherlands
Beekenkamp obtains Fairtrade certificate for poinsettia
Pöppelmann on how they were/are dealing with the COVID-19 impact
"The corona crisis hit us hard"
The Mobile Flower Boutique will drive through various auctions
Fabelicious dried roses: taking the show on the road
Clematis Amazing Havana
Marginpar's new clematis a hit on social media
Johnny Rasmussen, Senmatic about the introduction of the Bio Mixer
"Organic growers want to add microorganisms or bio-fertilizers without changing the EC"
Schoneveld Breeding
Growing Cyclamen under high light levels
VanWingerden International
"We consider our agribusiness workers to be critical no matter what"
Special webinars & online education
Tuesday, June 23 at 2:00 PM (EST)
Plant growth research and technologies featured in upcoming NASA webinar
Promo video showcases Dutch horticulture sector to the world
Kenya: Nakuru County Government concerned over job loss at flower farms
Dzmitry Zelianeuski | Dreamstime.com
Road to success not paved with flowers for Polish florists
Kunming: The Spring City and its successful flower story
Memorial Day Flowers
US (MI): Despite event cancellation, soldiers honored with roses
UK: No more Fortnite, it's time for the Fortnight
Rowe Farming
Why daffodils were left to rot in Cornish fields during lockdown
Flower Expo China
Flower Expo China presents expert advisor
Peace Boat
Roses cultivated by A-bomb survivor gifted to actress promoting peace
Every tree counts at Ellenby Tree Farm
Today on social media
@paul_atk79 · 19h
Danish companies join forces on sustainable fuel project
Controlling aphids with Eupeodes-System
Irish vertical farming Agtech start-up Farmony signs European distribution agreement
Bird figures