Dear Friend,

As I write this email, single-day coronavirus cases in Florida reached new highs. But as longtime Florida resident and New Republic consulting editor Adam Weinstein wrote this month: “To get a sense of Florida’s priorities amid a viral pandemic, economic ruin, and a campaign for Black lives, just look to the letter I received from state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronus on Monday evening, asking me if I was a paid Chinese Communist agent. The form letter was addressed to the Florida-based S-corporation I formed in 2009 to handle my freelance writing and editing and which, as a “veteran-owned” business, is registered as a state vendor, even though I’ve never bid on a public contract and never intend to.”

Weinstein went on to explain that “Patronus was the Florida chairman of the notorious conservative, Koch-backed American Legislative Exchange Council … championing lobbyist-written bills that denuded Florida’s critical ecology and despoiled its environment.” Governor Ron DeSantis and Patronus are partners “in the decades-long conservative project to turn Florida into a no-services fiefdom for frictionless profiteering.”

Like mainstream media, the governor has been spreading Trump’s crazy idea that testing causes Covid-19 cases to increase. If he had a subscription to TNR, he could have read the truth from Adam Weinstein: “Testing is finding more afflicted Floridians because there are more afflicted Floridians.”

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Weinstein doesn’t pull any punches: “Ron DeSantis is the latest in a long line of Republicans who made the state a plutocratic dystopia. Now he’s letting its residents die to save the plutocrats. I can’t help but wonder if DeSantis and his partisans’ coronavirus calculus is an essentially eugenicist one: They seem overtly content to let lots of people die, as long as they’re the right people.”

Please consider joining Adam Weinstein and the best investigative reporters, opinion writers, and cultural critics in America this election season. Subscribe to The New Republic today.


Kerrie Gillis, Publisher

Read Adam Weinstein's article here
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