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Support from HMRC
Dear customer,

HMRC’s live webinars provide the latest information on how to deal with tax and National Insurance regarding expenses and benefits when providing benefits to any of your employees – including directors.

You can ask questions throughout using the on-screen text box.

Expenses and benefits for your employees – social functions and parties
Find out about:

the conditions an event must meet
what qualifies for an exemption
multiple annual events and businesses with more than one site
PAYE Settlement Agreements (PSAs)
Register here
Expenses and benefits for your employees – trivial benefits
We’ll look at:

what counts as a small or trivial benefit
conditions to meet to be exempt from reporting to HMRC
examples of trivial benefits scenarios
your responsibilities including record keeping requirements
Register here

You’ll also find useful information in our 'Expenses and benefits from employment toolkit'.

Yours faithfully
Craig Moulden
Head of Digital and Engagement Services 
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