Free flu shots at the Active Aging Conferences. Register today for no cost!
Save the dates! - Tuesday, October 22 in Concord, 9-3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, October 24 in Peterborough, 9-3:30 p.m.
The Concord Monitor and the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript are presenting two Active Aging events to help you plan for an active, healthy and financially independent lifestyle.
To receive your free flu shot, please bring your driver's license, or valid ID, and health insurance card.
- In Peterborough, Rite Aid will be onsite to provide flu shots from 9-12:30.
- In Concord, Fisherville Pharmacy will be on site throughout the event providing flu shots.
Topics Include: - Approaches to dealing with dementia, including music therapy
- Pros and cons of various living arranges (assisted living, home health care, nursing homes)
- Staying active and involved - physical fitness and more
- Financial aspects of aging (wills and trusts, insurance, Medicare update, long-term care)
And much more!
Admission is free. Lunch will be available onsite for $5.