Yates Warned White House Flynn ‘Could Be Blackmailed’

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Amid partisan clashes, Al Franken asks the key question. READ MORE»

Anti-Vax Propaganda Helps Measles—Once Eradicated—Spread Across the Twin Cities

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Health officials expect the number of diagnoses to rise. READ MORE»

Despite Their Twisted Hero Fantasies, Republicans Are Basically Political Terrorists Destroying Lives

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Drawing inspiration from real and fictional American heroes, Republicans went out and fought a war—against us. READ MORE»

Has Western Medicine Completely Botched Painkillers?

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Doctors don't always know best, and you could pay the ultimate price. READ MORE»

Big Corporations Are Openly Backing Trump's Hate Agenda—Let's Boycott Them

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Americans can vote with their dollars to defend immigrants' rights every day.  READ MORE»

Trump Threatens to Defy Congress to Go After Medical Marijuana

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Congress just passed a budget barring the use of federal funds to mess with medical marijuana. Now the president says that doesn't matter.  READ MORE»

Privatized For-Profit Immigrant Detention Centers Are a 'Living Nightmare,' Investigation Shows

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

A report on corporate detention facilities in the U.S. details how migrants endure abuse, hunger and exploitation. READ MORE»

Trump Voters Are Willing to Be Conned as Long as He Deports Immigrants and Bombs the World

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

They're able to overlook an astonishing amount of corruption. READ MORE»

Can Anyone Find an Economist Who Thinks Trump's Tax Cuts Will Pay for Themselves?

By Angelo Young, Salon

The president’s proposed tax reform gets no love from the experts. READ MORE»

WATCH: Sally Yates Humiliates Ted Cruz After He Tried to Corner Her on the Muslim Ban

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The consummate professional versus the partisan hack.  READ MORE»

Time for a Trump Carnage Index

By Betsy Hartmann, The Smirking Chimp

Too often, Americans let their leaders off the hook for the violence they perpetrate.  READ MORE»

Trump Misled Americans by Making False Claims About Paris Climate Agreement

By Vanessa Schipani,

Trump said that the U.S. "pays billions of dollars" for the Paris Agreement and would shrink America's GDP by $2.5 trillion. Wrong. READ MORE»

Why We Have Such a Love-Hate Relationship With Work

By Ian Fouweather, The Conversation

According to a recent study, apart from being ill, work was shown as the activity that people reported they were least happy doing. READ MORE»

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